Other Assistance on Demand

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Other Assistance on demand

  • Escalate Filing Assistance:
    If your bank or PSP doesn't resolve your complaint within 30 days, MyCyberComplaint will help you filing complaint with the Banking Ombudsman for an independent review and potential resolution and represent you in the matter online.
  • Appeal filing Assistance:
    If you're unsatisfied with the Banking Ombudsman's decision, MyCyberComplaint will help you in filing appeal to the Reserve Bank of India's Appellate Authority within 30 days and represent you in the matter online.

Fees for Escalate Filing and Appeal Filing Assistance Services:

MyCyberComplaint understand that navigating the escalation and appeals process can be complex. Our professional fees for assistance with these filings are determined on a case-by-case basis, taking into account the specific circumstances and complexity of your situation. MyCyberComplaint will work with you to reach a mutually agreeable fee arrangement before proceeding.

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